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Find out more about the people behind Moving On Aerobics.

Contact Us

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information, or just to chat. And note that while we have offices in New York and California, we work with others around the world and will do all we can to help bring the power of Moving On Aerobics to you and your community.

Information Hotline: 212.523.7275
[email protected]

Center for Kinesthetic Education
151 West 30th St #200, 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10001

Moving On Center
1428 Alice Street #203M
Oakland, California 94612

“When I first experienced Moving on Aerobics, something happened. To try and explain it is like asking someone why they love chocolate. It just is!”

Read more!

Moving On Aerobics is a Community Outreach Program of Moving On Center
New York Office: Center for Kinesthetic Education • 212.523.7275 • [email protected]